CITCOnveyors offer a large range of Mild Steel Conveyors developed to improve material handling using practical cost-cutting solution overseen by our management team.
We are glad to announce that Self Trust Romania will deliver the conveyors systems for the Arrival and Departure Areas at the Seiyun Hadhramaut Airport...details
The Self Trust team has finalised and succesfully tested the first stage of the project Pet Food sorting line, project designed and delivered to an...details
We prodly announce the finalising and testing of a 200 meter driven roller conveyor line for pallets, line comissioned for an important sugar producer...details
Inter Airport Europe 10 - 13 Octobe 2017. The biggest fair dedicated to the Airport Industry: (2015) With a total of 676 exhibitors from 44 countries...details
We thank to all the visitors who came at Logimat 2014 (LogiMAT, the International Trade Fair for Distribution, Materials Handling and Information...details